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WMA receives $10,000 in emergency relief from the Alabama State Council on the Arts

WMA’s Impact: Art + Empowered Conversation

Did you know visual art empowers people by making space for needed conversation?

Art helps us critically and creatively imagine our communities.1

Students recently experienced this kind of empowering conversation in action at WMA. During 17 summer field trips to the museum, 664 students took in Carolyn DeMeritt’s portraits of Native American tribe members as part of As Long As the Waters Flow: Native Americans in the South and East.

The exhibition was a starting point for conversation about oral traditions, story-keeping, and identity. Students imagined their own roles as keepers of oral traditions, and shared ideas on how we can keep our own stories alive for future generations.

Curious to hear more on this topic from one of WMA’s corporate members? Mary Beth Maddox shares her experience with WMA and her thoughts on how the visual arts can act as a channel for community conversation and understanding in our October Corporate Member spotlight.
Dana-Marie Lemmer
Executive Director


1“Arts + Transportation & Infrastructure” https://www.americansforthearts.org/socialimpact

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