Professional Development at WMA!
Calling all educators! WMA now offers regular Professional Development opportunities throughout the year. Choose in person workshops at the museum. You can also earn CEUs for select studio classes and visiting artists’ workshops throughout the year! Check out our website for more information and/or contact Alexandria Turner, Studio Manager, at
Online sessions at your own pace
Upcycled Art: Using Simple, Everyday Supplies to make AMAZING art!
Instructor: Alexandria Turner
April 1st; 5 CEUs
Free for DCS teachers; $30 members; $40 not-yet members
Budgets are tight but that doesn’t mean that art activities must be eliminated. In this self-paced, fully online course, WMA’s Studio Manager, Alexandria Turner, will lead participants through how to make art using what you’ve got on hand. Participants will also learn how easy it is to apply state standards to art projects and how to integrate other subjects into artmaking!
Participants will investigate best practices when using non-traditional materials in the art class, through readings, videos, and hands-on projects. Participants will plan their own lesson using upcycled materials that will align with state standards. All activities are aligned with Alabama State Standards for Art for K-6.
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