Collage is one of the mainstays of mixed-media art, but creating a cohesive, interesting piece can be daunting. Where to start? What supplies to use? How to find inspiration? In this two-hour workshop you will experience basic collage techniques and materials as Beverly shares with you her approaches to creating a narrative with collage.
Beverly West Leach is a mixed-media assemblage artist whose work has been exhibited in group shows nationwide. Recently one of her collaged book pieces has been purchased for the Doug & Laurie Kanyer Art Collection which focuses on collage and is international in scope, based out of Yakima, Washington. Also, three of her collaged works have been recently shown at Yale University. Beverly teaches art & design courses at Troy University. She and her husband reside in Ozark, AL. In addition to her artistic pursuits, Beverly is an avid beekeeper.
$30 for members; $40 for not yet members. Registration is required by Wednesday, January 19th.