March 2017
Each March, the Wiregrass Museum of Art hosts Youth Art Month, an event celebrated annually in schools, museums, and other organizations around the country. The month includes a juried exhibition of art by K through 12 students from the Wiregrass region, as well as WMA’s own Out of the (Art) Box, an installation competition for high school groups. The March 1st Opening Reception (5:00-7:00 p.m.) is open to the public and will include the announcement of several awards.
High school (9 – 12) students’ works are eligible for the following awards and will be displayed in the indicated locations for one year following the close of the Youth Art Month exhibition on March 31.
The 2nd Congressional Art Competition: Artistic Discovery Contest
The Congressional Art Competition, also known as the Artistic Discovery Contest, is an opportunity to recognize and encourage artistic talent in students from every congressional district across the nation, including our own 2nd Congressional District. This competition is open to all high school juniors and seniors and is coordinated through the offices of U.S. Representative Martha Roby. The winning piece from Alabama- District 2 will be displayed for one year in the United States Capitol alongside artwork from other nationwide contest winners. All winning pieces from each congressional district will also be considered for selection as the National Congressional Art Competition winner.
Out of the (Art) Box 2017
Out of the (Art) Box is an innovative variation on WMA’s popular public installation competition from years past. Four teams of high school students (grades 9 – 12) will be paired with artist mentors to create original installations in the Museum’s galleries. This year, students will be challenged to completely transform their building material, disclosed to them only on the first day of the competition, and think outside of the “(art) box” to create their work. The installations will be designed and constructed by the teams with the guidance of their mentors from February 24 through 25 and displayed in the Entrance Galleries and Main Gallery of the Museum during the month of March. The winning team, selected by a judge, will receive a donation to their school’s visual arts program.
All Youth Art Month award winners will receive recognition during a Dothan City Commission meeting held on March 7, 2017.
2017 Youth Art Month Exhibiting Artists
Click Here
2017 Out of the (Art) Box Participating Teams
Contact Amanda Holcomb for more information.
Youth Art Month is generously sponsored by Publix Super Markets Charities and Dothan Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics – Dr. Flowers and Dr. Crowder. Additional support provided by the Support the Arts License Tag Fund and the Coleman Foundation.