January 18 - March 23, 2018
Sydney A. Foster is a visual storyteller, interested in capturing the stories of everyday people that she comes across. In 2016, while walking through downtown Montgomery on her lunch break, she was compelled to begin photographing people she met along the way. Foster is inspired by the common threads that she hears from people of all backgrounds, and the aspirations we all share. This series, which began with Ms. Annetta, has evolved to include other neighborhoods around our capital city. Through her work, Foster gives each person the opportunity to shine through their portrait, letting go of the stereotypes that separate us.
Sydney A. Foster is a photographer living and working in Montgomery, Alabama. Her work was recently featured in “This is where you’ll find me”, the first major art exhibition in the Kress on Dexter building on Dexter Avenue in Montgomery. This is Foster’s first solo museum exhibition.
This exhibition has been made possible by grants from the Alabama State Council on the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts.