October 19 - December 29, 2018
Art museums are vitally important. They collect and interpret objects, reminding us that culture is never built by accident. Popular or otherwise, culture is designed by people communicating with each other from generation to generation. All of us who make art have at some point been moved by the work of other artists. Responding to that work is both a constructive and destructive process, leading us to new and different understandings. This is why members of the Alabama Women’s Caucus for Art will make and show work in response to objects in Wiregrass Museum of Art’s permanent collection.
Participating artists:
Katie Baldwin
Heather Baumbach
Emily Bodnar
Sylvia Bowyer
Kimberley A. Brown
Kala Clontz
Anna Sue Courtney
Patty B. Driscoll
Kristy Jane From-Brown
Susie Garrett
Nicole Harper
Kimberly Hart
Deborah Hunter
Kathryn Jill Johnson
Sandra Colwell Lasater
Amy McBroom
Aynslee Moon
Corinna Nicole
Giang Pham
Ruth Ann Stephens
Melody Tiemann
Ann Vann
Roxie Veasey
Cynthia Wagner
This exhibition has been made possible by grants from the Alabama State Council on the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts.